Accessible Seating
Wheelchair accessible and companion seating are located in all sections of the Amphitheater
If you require assistance for accessible seating please contact Ticketmaster or Rachel Rice.
Our wheelchair-accessible seating is an open space that accommodates one person using a wheelchair and has a smooth, stable surface.
A companion seat is also provided next to each wheelchair-seating location. The companion seat is a conventional seat that accommodates a friend or companion to someone in wheelchair-accessible seating. This seat must be purchased in addition to the wheelchair-accessible seat and regular ticketing fees apply.
Accessible Compatible Features
Accessible parking spaces are located on the first level of parking garages.
Accessible drop-off and pick-up areas are located by the Red Hat Amphitheater Box Office near the intersection of Cabarrus and McDowell Streets.
All entrance gates to the Red Hat Amphitheater are accessible.
All restroom entrances have an attached ramp and are accessible for all patrons.
Assistive Listening Systems are available. Please contact us no less than 72 hours before the event to make arrangements. Request are prioritize based on the order they are received.
Purchasing Tickets
To purchase accessible tickets online, visit our Calendar and select the ticket icon for the show you are interested in attending. You will be redirected to Ticketmaster or the Live Nation website.
While viewing the seating chart, at the top right click the "Filters" button and select "Show Accessible Tickets", then click 'Apply Filters". You will then be able to select accessible seats and purchase your tickets from there.

You may also purchase tickets at one of our listed Box Office locations.